# Include the Organization specific Configuration Files.
# The Configuration Files in the _USTN_ORGANIZATION directory are intended to
# set Configuration Variables that point to organization-wide standards
# such as level libraries, cell libraries, etc. Those settings can be
# augmented or overridden at the WorkSpace or WorkSet level.
%level Organization
%if exists ($(_USTN_ORGANIZATION)*.cfg)
% include $(_USTN_ORGANIZATION)*.cfg
提供的 _USTN_ORGANIZATION 指向 Configuration\Organization 目录,其中包含一个配置文件 standards.cfg,该文件采用提供的通用目录结构设置配置变量。如果您已重定向 _USTN_ORGANIZATION,则可以采用相同的目录结构,或对其进行更改以满足自身的需求。由于上述 %include 语句包括 _USTN_ORGANIZATION 目录中的所有配置文件,因此您可以调用除 standards.cfg 以外的配置文件。如果愿意,您可以在该目录中使用多个配置文件。这些文件将按字母顺序包括在内。